

“Horreum Margi – Ravno”

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Archeological site

“Horreum Margi”

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Memorable place

“Šančevi Ivankovac”

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Memorial house of national hero

Miodrag Novakovic Dzudza

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mission and vision

Museum “Horreum Margi” - Ravno Cuprija belongs to complex type museums. The permanent exhibition consists of exhibits from the archaeological, historical, ethnographic and art collection with an emphasis on the archaeological collection of objects from the ancient site "Horreum ..."


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    наше colections

  • Archeological Collection


    Archeological Collection

    is the most numerous and various with about 3000 enumerated items and numerous study materials. The items in this collection have mostly been brought to the museum as a result of archaeological research, and to a lesser extent as a gift.

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  • Ethnographic Collection


    Ethnographic Collection

    The ethnographic collection consists of 64 inventoried items that have mostly been donated. It is very diverse and contains folk art objects that evoke the lifestyle of a household from the recent past such as loom, distaff, wood stoves, containers for storing and consuming food and beverages, pieces of wood furniture.

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  • Historical Collection


    Historical Collection

    The historical collection has 164 items in the inventory that were donated to the museum. Old esnaphic letters, bank shares, paper money, parts of cold and fire arms are in a permanent exhibit, as well as pieces of furniture from a civilian family from the late 19th century.

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  • Art Collection


    Art Collection

    The art collection has 120 inventoried items. It consists of a work of contemporary fine art, made in various techniques that were mostly donated to the museum. The museum also houses works from the art colony “Ravanica”, which are divided into two thematic units “Figurations” and “Abstractions” and are composed by works by Jagoda Zivadinovic, Stojanka Bosnjak, Stojan Djuric, Milan Tepavac, etc

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permanent exhibition

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